A.A.Brown & Sons

Supreme de Luxe 12 Bore Pair

Now Sold

Here we have for sale a used pair of A.A.Brown & Sons Supreme de Luxe 12 bore sidelocks with double triggers. They have 26″ barrels with Churchill style checkered top ribs that still measure as proofed and have been very little used.

The engraving is a cutaway scroll with game scene windows on the underside by Walter Howe. The stocks are quite short at 14 3/16″, but have a figure and colour that would suit a horn extension should they prove to be undersized.

They come in a book style leather motor case made by Bryant’s of London with an outer cover allowing them to be transported really rather easily as it is very compact. This is a fantastic opportunity to acquire a very fine pair of best English sidelocks in almost new condition at an exceptional price. Please find some picture, the full specification and a video below.

SpecificationSupreme de Luxe #79800 & 79802
ActionDouble trigger easy opening sidelocks with polished silver actions.
Weight 6lbs 4ozs.
BalanceHinge Pin.
Barrel Length26" (Chopper Lump).
Chambers2 ¾″ (70mm).
Proof.729″ original 1977 Birmingham marks.

 3¼ TONS PER □" (Link to Proof Symbols Table)
Actual Bore Size.729″ r/h .728″ l/h.
O/D @ Lightest PointGun 1 .783″ r/h .782″ l/h
Gun 2 .783″ r/h .777″ l/h
Wall Thickness @ Lightest PointGun 1 27 thou’ r/h, 26 thou’ l/h.
Gun 2 27 thou’ r/h, 24 thou’ l/h.
ChokesImp. Cyl. r/h, ½ l/h.
StockWalnut straight hand grip with gold ovals.
Length Of Pull 14 ¼″ from front trigger.
Cast⅛″ heel and  ¼″ toe. Right-handed.
Drop1 ½” comb and 1 ⅞″ heel.
Ammunition2 ¾″ lead, bismuth & standard steel cartridges. Not High Performance Steel compatible.



1 Snake Lane
B48 7NT


Email: enquiries@aabrownandsons.com
Phone: +44 (0) 121 445 5395 


Proof Symbols Table
Matthew Brown Photography


Site design by Matthew Brown | All content by Robin & Matthew Brown (except when explicitally credited) | Photography by Matthew Brown Photography (except historical photographs)